Tierra Retreat Center does not require the use of specific caterers - our event sponsors appreciate the freedom and flexibility that our fully equipped, professional kitchen affords groups. Event sponsors may bring in any licensed caterer of choice, although we have a couple great local recommendations listed below who have worked extensively in the Tierra kitchen.
Guests may prepare food for the event themselves - all kitchen use is subject to a responsible party signing a kitchen use agreement.
Please read our Kitchen Guide for all the information you and your caterer will need to know. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Our Professional Kitchen
If you love to cook, you’ll recognize that our professional kitchen in the Main Lodge can turn out incredible food. Supplied with high quality knives, pots, pans and appliances, our kitchen provides a complete staging area for food preparation and service during your event. Bright, light and fun, the Tierra kitchen is perfectly suited for buffet service or table service in the lodge and on the main deck and extends to our covered grill area.
Kitchen use includes a large walk-in refrigerator, large freezer, wall ovens, reach in refrigerator, an ice maker, baking mixer, toasters, coffee brewing appliances: in short just about all the hard goods you could wish for.

Fresh Food
Tierra Retreat Center has the great fortune to be partnered with Tierra Garden Organics, our small farm here in Sunitsch Canyon. They would be happy to assist your caterers by providing the freshest and tastiest organically grown food stuffs. The Wenatchee Valley is home to a vibrant local foods movement with excellent farmer’s markets and great local cooks. For the best of what's in season please contact:
- Tierra Garden Organics - Laura Lentz - 509-548-6880 x230
- Visit the Leavenworth Farmer's Market - Saturdays from 4-8 pm in Lions Club Park, in the center of Leavenworth